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Eye-Opening Ways Wheatgrass Can Benefit Your Skin

Adam • Jun 01, 2019

Wheatgrass has many benefits but understand today what it can do for your skin

Ingesting or using wheatgrass topically has many benefits for your health and hair. 

The  wheatgrass juice  is rich in minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins. Great news, it's also gluten free! 

Let's take a look at the many ways wheatgrass can benefit your skin.

What is it?

Wheatgrass is the young sprouts of grass from the wheat plant. These sprouts are a great source of vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, E, C, K, B6, and the minerals calcium, selenium, magnesium, and iron.

The health benefits were discovered in the 1930s by American chemist Dr. Schnabel who found that when fed to sickly hens, the young sprouts of wheatgrass would help the hen recover from its illness fast, grow larger and become more fertile. This discovery led to the plant being tested and found to have great health results for humans too. 

The most common way that wheatgrass is grown is indoors on trays so that it can easily be monitored and harvested. The sprouts are best collected when the leaves grow and split off into the jointing stage. Once snipped, the split leaves will continue to grow into the jointing stage and that usually is the most that can be harvested from that plant. 

Many consider wheatgrass to be a superfood and is hailed for its many health advantages, including regenerating damaged skin and aiding the rest of the body. 

Antiseptic Properties

The antiseptic properties in wheatgrass are beneficial to the health of your skin because it can help heal wounds such as ulcers, sores, as well as insect bites. It's also been known to help quicken the healing time on cuts, scrapes, and rashes. 

When applied topically it can aid with clearing poison ivy, and can also provide relief to those who have gotten a sunburn and can even get rid of athlete's foot. 


Believe it or not, wheatgrass has anti-aging properties in it. Wheatgrass contains amino acid chains and antioxidants. These properties will help repair any damage that has been done to your DNA and also reduce the effect of free radicals. Free radicals can harm necessary elements to your cells, which can greatly affect your body. 

It can also slow down the process of aging by restoring the thickness of your skin which enhances the look of your skin making it look more youthful. This thickness also provides your skin with elasticity, which prevents sagging and wrinkles, making you appear older than you are. 


Wheatgrass is also antibacterial and when ingested can help battle chronic inflammation which will aid in the reduction of acne and prevent the occasional breakout. 

To apply directly to the trouble areas, one technique you can try is to mix some wheatgrass juice with water and freeze it in portions in an ice cube tray. When needed you can take out a cube and use it to soothe and heal any trouble areas. 

Other Ways Wheatgrass Can Benefit Your Skin

Here are a few more ways that the healing power of wheatgrass can benefit your skin. 

Rich in Nutrients

With all the vitamins and minerals that are contained in wheatgrass, your body will benefit by increasing your natural health and will in return give your skin a nice glow. Some of these nutrients that your body is lacking, such as iron, magnesium and omega 3s, will be fulfilled by the wheatgrass and you will likely not get snack cravings.

By taking a shot of wheatgrass every morning, you can help your body fight the urge to snack and keep you from overeating foods that aren't healthy for you, which will keep your skin looking nice, clear and shiny.

Wheatgrass juice also is a great source of glutathione, vitamin C, and vitamin E which are an important source for antioxidants. These antioxidants help fight the free radicals in your body and prevent cell damage. 

By preventing cell damage, the antioxidants in wheatgrass aid in keeping your skin healthy, fresh and young looking for longer than without it. 


Wheatgrass has high alkalinity which makes it a great resource for detoxing your body and maintaining its pH balance. When you choose a diet in alkaline rich foods to go along with the wheatgrass you will also notice an improvement in your general health, because you are eating healthy options and not fatty or greasy foods.    

Fights Skin Diseases

The juice from wheatgrass can help regenerate cells, this function can help treat skin wounds, lesions, psoriasis, and eczema. The most common results show a strong improvement in those suffering from acne, even some with painful cystic acne. 

Some techniques, other than shots of the juice, for skin diseases, is to dab some of the wheatgrass liquid onto a cotton ball and soak it onto the skin then rinsing. You can also pour some juice to your bathwater and soak in it for half an hour or so. 

Lessen Fatigue

If your body is needing rest and you are fighting fatigue, you will suffer from a weakened immune system. Not only that, being tired can lead to saggy, puffy eyes and an overall general feeling of malaise. 

Of course, it's very important to get as much sleep as you can, but sometimes you will be fatigued if you are lacking nutrients such as iron. Wheatgrass is a rich source of iron, and drinking the juice daily will help turn this symptom around. 

Boost Your Circulation

Taking a shot of wheatgrass before a work out has shown an increase in your body's ability to create higher oxygen levels in your bloodstream.

This is the perfect opportunity to help stimulate your circulation, which is important for joint health and keeps your skin a nice healthy color and not blotchy or a purplish blue color. 

Are You Ready to Give it a Shot?

We have discussed several ways that wheatgrass can benefit your skin by either ingesting or using topically, such as its anti-aging, nutrient-rich and cleansing abilities. There are also many benefits that it will contribute to the health of your hair, digestion system and overall sense of health. 

So what are you waiting for? Take a shot, and visit our website for more information. 



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